• Discussions
  • The page that has been appealed for a long time has not responded

How can we appeal again on this kind of page or account wherein the appeal has not been replied to? This has been stuck in the stage of appeal, we can neither return it nor move forward. Is there a way, people?

Didn't see any good solution, change the page.

You can appeal to customer service for your account. Do you have to use this page? Just keep making a new one.

Go ahead and change it. We still have a bunch of pages from June that we haven't replied to.

Tried it with the green label appeal method, It seems most direct to directly look for customer service.

I went to customer service. I didn't get through.

Do they reply fast?

Look at the appeal time, if you're in good luck and did not catch up with the peak time, the reply will be fast, if you're in bad luck, then there's no way. Customer service also said to wait.

Use the link to make a second appeal

Appeal for homepage: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/2158932601016581
Appeal for advertising account: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/2026068680760273
Appeal for BM: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/2166173276743732
Appeal for advertising authority: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/273898596750902